I-am you

Peace and harmony through nature

Less is really more, we must find our connections to the more important things in life, by kindness, understanding and acceptance of our differences as we are all unique, finding peace, harmony and satisfaction is the most valuable sense of being.

The true purpose of life is to feel peace and satisfaction that we haven’t wasted our time on earth, true satisfaction is found when we are in a state of peace, of non thinking, sensing only the awareness of being, of breathing, of being at one with the wonders of the universe.

As we evolve as conscious human beings, life becomes more meaningful and we realise we can make a little difference in some way, life will bring many different challenges that can be met with more ease.

There is no need to instantly react to most situations, but to go into the space of being in the moment allowing for the deeper understanding, allowing us to respond more consciously by a more powerful intelligence that comes from your true essence.

We all need to have our own moral compass, this deep essence comes from inside each human being, by taking time to observe and empathise to have a deeper understanding of all life.

Spirituality is an energy force that in all of us, it can’t be seen, can’t be found in the brain, it is a power far greater than humans, it is around us to guide us and make our lives wiser and more content, by allowing the time and space, this will stop the impulsive thoughts and actions than can cause so much pain and damage within life, so let us be purposeful without consequence for a more peaceful world.

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